Happy Little Clouds – A Bob Ross Remix


We don’t often touch on PBS here at Unreality, but it really was a vital part of my childhood, from the gang on Sesame Street to the man above, Bob Ross.

I can’t say I watched him all that much, but when I was home from school recovering from a very painful surgery, he was all that was on during the afternoon hours. My eight year old self thought he was absolutely hilarious, and at the same time, extremely calming, and he helped me through a tough time by sharing the joy of painting.

Above is a video officially posted by PBS where they remixed some of his better moments into an autotuned song that’s a lot better than it has any reason to be. Check it out.

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  1. The Mr. Rogers auto-tune is even more amazing. PBS and the same artist (melodysheep) released it a couple months prior to this one. I can only hope Rick Steves is next!

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