Gears of War Movie Rights Optioned by Universal
If you’ve read our site in the past you’ll know that we’re huge skeptics when it comes to video game movies. For whatever reason it just seems that Hollywood can’t get it right. And now that Gears of War is in the mix all over again, we can’t help but be skeptical. While Assassin’s Creed (starring Michael Fassbender) definitely looks promising I’m not holding my breath.
Universal Pictures has optioned the rights to Microsoft’s popular Xbox video game franchise, it announced Wednesday. And it makes perfect sense. After all, the Gears of War series has grossed more than $1 billion worldwide. However, despite its army of fans, a movie adaptation has been stuck in development for what appears to be an eternity.
The same goes for numerous other video game adaptations, such as Halo, BioShock, Call of Duty, Gran Turisimo, Kane & Lynch, The Last of Us, Mass Effect, Metal Gear Solid, Splinter Cell and Uncharted.
Scott Stuber (Ted) and Dylan Clark (Rise of the Planet of the Apes) will produce the Gears of War movie, but don’t hold your breath waiting for this one. Both producers have a busy slate, so it could be a while. The latest entry in the video game franchise, Gears of War 4, will be released on Oct. 11. That may have to tide you over for now.
Which leads me to another question. What are you favorite video game movies of all time? We actually wrote an article 5 years ago about some movies we thought would be good. Assassin’s is the only one left with hope.
There’s just something painfully wrong with Hollywood. Maybe we need a game producer to make a movie? I feel like Tron is the only movie that sort of got it right and that was back in the 80s. The sequel was meh. Assassin’s Creed might get it right because they’re not solely about the video game. It’s gonna be pretty different.