Game Informer’s Awesome GOTY Cover (by Sam Spratt)
(click for full size)
I’m no huge Game Informer fan, but damn do I always look forward to their covers. They’ve outdone themselves this time by hiring fantastic artist Sam Spratt, who we’ve featured on this site many times before.
The amount of detail in this piece is incredible, and outside of the obvious figures, there are many hidden things that might take a minute or two to find. For example, can you see Diablo in here anywhere? He could take a while to spot.
Incredible work here, and good on GI for hiring him. Happy hunting for easter eggs within.
I can’t for the life of me find Diablo. I like the Half-Life ? symbol on the door, though.
Walking Dead for game of the year!
Unless I’m very mistaken, Diablo is kind of sketched into the background, smack in the middle, and it’s only his eyes, nostrils and mouth.