Facebook Profile Pictures in Skyrim
Alright, so my title might be a *touch* misleading, as you won’t find iPhone pictures of Argonians, Khajiit, Nords or Brettons inside. What you will find however are in-progress shots of a wicked set of Nightengale Armor, which everyone knows was far and away the coolest stealth set in the game.
The designer and model is Aicosu, and you might recognize her (but you probably won’t) as Korra in the picture I posted a few days ago. Grey makeup and a wicked suit of armor kind of change your appearance quite a lot however.
Check out the full gallery below, and hopefully once she’s done, she’ll hook up with a professoinal photographer for some awesome shots.
where can i marry her? Oo
Goddamn it, fuck Skyrim. The only reason this bitch is doing it is cause Skyrim is popular enough to get her more attention, than ridicule for being a geek. If anything, TES has been getting worse since Morrowind.
Ye, I’m mad.
Also, I guess her cosplay is good, though there have been and will be far better that won’t get any attention, just because vagina lol.
Why can’t you just recognize that it’s a beautiful cosplay?
Someone’s jimmies are thoroughly rustled today, aren’t they?
Yup. Jimmies status: rustled.
The girl (seems) beautiful, the armour looks like a Chinese child play set. I’m not saying I can do better, but there are people who can, that don’t get attention.
Exhibit A:
And that guy wasn’t even trying to look like a character from the flavour of the month game for faux-geeks.