This is An Awesome Steampunk Batman Picture
There’s really nothing else left to say. I mean it’s a Steampunk Batman. I’ve never heard of such a thing. But let us thank the incredible artist R-Tan for this amazing deviation. Apparently our artist might be doing a companion piece with this one that would include villains.
Request. How about this guy just does steampunk versions of ALL comics? I for one would love to see that.
If you really think about it, Steampunk Batman makes a lot of sense.
Ugh. Whenever I think of steampunk I just think about how off the mark the majority of it is (“Just glue some gears on it!”), and how, even when done right, it’s a 1 trick pony with no real artistic merit. That, and I also think of Wild Wild West starring Will Smith.
What’s up with Robins gimpy arm?