Dexter Review: “A Little Reflection”

Episode 806

Well, despite Time Warner Cable and CBS’s best efforts, I managed to watch Dexter last night even though Showtime no longer existed in my channel lineup. I won’t say how, but I’ll give you a hint: It’s something I don’t feel bad about considering I’m paying an extra $15 a month for a channel which has now been yanked away from me because of corporate squabbling that I have nothing to do with.

Last week, Dexter seemed to hit sort of a reset button by seemingly ending the major plotline of the season with the death of the supposed Brain Surgeon killer. Deb and Dex are friends, Vogel is a cool new mother figure, and all is well.

Now, for the last seven episodes here, we have to be building toward some sort of grand finale, even if the plot has cooled down. As you’ll note in the paragraph above, I use words like “seemingly” and “supposed” because in no way do I believe the dead man from last week was the Brain Surgeon killer.

dexter reflection3

“You mean you’re kind of insane yourself wanting to train psychopaths to murder better? Who would have thought?”

Rather, you commenters have convinced me that Vogel is actually the killer, something I will admit I didn’t think of on my own, but really is the only thing that makes sense now that I’m considering it. The killer is unseen, a rarity for the show, and at least once, forced a victim to kill another victim at gunpoint. That seems like something a frail, older, female killer would have to do. Though I’m not sure how she hung that last guy on a meathook by herself.

Vogel would have staged the killings in order to reveal herself to Dexter and ask for his help so that she could continue to study him in his adult years. I would imagine that would be the full extent of her plan if this turns out to be true, and I just hope it isn’t the big series finale reveal. I will say that I didn’t immediately see it coming like I did with Travis Marshall and the ghost of Professor Gellar, but it’s also not exactly the most brilliant twist I’ve ever heard of either.

But for now, Vogel is content trying to expand her studies further by adopting a new student, Zack, who she believes can be taught the code the way Dexter was, and be molded into a vigilante superhero killer as well. It’s a rare case for the show where what appeared to be a useless subplot, the murder Quinn is trying to solve, crosses over to actually be relevant to the central plot.

Episode 806

Kid is a psychopath obsessed with taking pictures of blood. Dexter: “We have nothing in common!” Come on.

The problem I have in this season is that over the years, there have been many people getting close to Dexter’s secret. Doakes in season 2, Quinn in season 4 and La Guerta in season 7. You would think as this is the FINAL season of the show, and there are only seven episodes left, that SOMEONE would be turning up the heat on him now, but that just isn’t the case so far. Rather, he’s adopted a new little protégé, even though we already did the whole “let’s train a new killer” thing back with Miguel Prado in season 3. This is sort of a better scenario, with him being a surrogate son Dexter can teach, but I can’t see it ending well in any case

In actual useless subplot land, we have Quinn failing to make sergeant, which I’m sure is as gripping to you as it is to me. Quinn is proving to be somewhat useful to the central story now though as he’s tailing Zack, and therefore could discover some of his and Dexter’s secrets. If anyone could end up getting close to Dexter’s truth in the next few episodes here, it’s him.

dexter reflection

Probably the best scene of the night, and the most relevant Quinn has been in years.

Otherwise, Masuka did exactly what I said he would do and offended his daughter by implying she was a golddigger. Womp womp. And I’m ready to write off Deb’s boss Elway as one of the show’s famous red herrings at this point, as I don’t know how or why he would plausibly turn out to be evil, and I think I was just reading too much into him making mixed drinks for Deb. I think he just has a crush on her, and mercifully, we appear to have abandoned the whole “Dexter and Deb want to secretly bang” thing that reared its ugly head last season. At least I hope so, but it would be weird to have that as a plot point, then just completely forget about it as the show concludes.

And of course we finally saw the return of Hannah, poisoner extraordinaire who roofies Dex and Deb and asks Dexter if he remembers her when of course he f***ing remembers her. I had no idea how they were going to bring her back this season, and I still don’t. The only thing I can think of is that she’s somehow connected to Vogel, maybe an ex-patient, or that she finally found out that Dexter killed her asshat father in the worst episode of last season, and she’s out for revenge. Or she just wants to piss him off enough so he screws on her a kill table again, I don’t know. I never liked Hannah as a character, and I can see no good from her returning to the show. I wish Lumen would come back instead.

I don’t know what this show is building to other than the possible Vogel/Brain surgeon reveal. These episodes just feel like a lot of empty space, and far from the pulse-pounding early seasons that had me on the edge of my seat. There’s still time to make this an epic finish, but at its current pace, I don’t think the show has anything quite so spectacular planned.

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  1. What I find interesting this season is that Vogel keeps seeing certain features in Dexter and tries to fit them into her model of a psychopath.
    I would like to see a development, where they realize that Dexter was actually “normal”, only deeply disturbed by his mother death and that with some effort they could have actually helped him instead of molding him into a killer.

    This would also make a nice commentary on child development and how much the genes or the upbringing influence it. Maybe he did have a fascination with blood, but with the right therapy he might have gotten over it, basically putting the blame on Vogel and her insane methods.

  2. Great review. I have to say that I enjoy the episodes themselves, but there’s no direction, no suspense. If the show went on hiatus for half a year now I’d just think “well, I’ll see how it end later, then” and that’s it.
    On another note, would you people please stop saying Lumen should come back? I came to terms with the fact that this will NOT happen, no matter how much I want it to, and you keep putting salt in that wound.


  4. I’m pretty sure this entire season is based on dares between the writing staff. Only now it’s gotten out of hand and they don’t know what to do, so they just keep pushing to see who’s going to back down first. “Betcha can’t write a paper thin reconciliation between Deb and Dexter in less than a full episode!” “Oh, yeah?! Well bet you can’t bring back Hannah in a way that completely insults the viewers intelligence!” “That’s nothing!! I’ll bet I can introduce another sociopathic protege without anybody giving a shit at all!!!!”

    Nobody to blame but me at this point. I keep dating the crazy chick hoping she’s going to put out with the wild ass sex, and the payoff is never coming.

    I’m going deep end and predicting the show ends with Dexter on a metal table strapped down in plastic, while Zack pulls out Dexter’s favorite knife and stabs him, while we see Harrison watch in horror from the place he’s been hiding in the background. Fade out.

    Fade back in to Debra(older) now married to Lieutenant Quinn, walking around the house calling Harrison’s name, unable to find him, wandering outside until she hears a noise and slowly pushes open the door to a backyard shed where she find’s him carving up the neighbor’s dog. “Fuckin’ A Fuck Harrison!!” she screams, as Harrison slowly turns bearing a smirk eerily similar to one his father used to wear. Queue music, credits.

  5. Vogel can’t be the killer. Remember when she received the two pieces of brain on her doorstep? She acted pretty surprised and there was no one else around. I’m thinking it might be her husband,

    1. Oh yeah, you’re right… Well shoot forget all that then, unless the show pulls something REALLY dumb and just forgets that. I thought they mentioned her husband because Dexter would discover she killed him.

  6. Once again Paul, that was my assumption. After all, where would Vogel get the “Alpha Wolves” idea of Serial Killers unless she was married to one…but again, we’ll see. Yo Kong, kudos on the Dare comment, AWESOME!

  7. So Zack is basically a retake of young Jeremy Downs from waaay back in season 1. Only that now Dexter will actually go through with it I guess.

    It’s funny. Season 1, Dexter wanting connections, he failed Jeremy. He could have gotten him under his wings but let him with a tip, so the kid ended up killing an innocent, getting caught and finally killed himself.

    I liked that kid. I don’t like this rich boy Zack with his bright red ‘expedit’ bookcase (rich people shop at Ikea?).

    Half a season in and we’re all over the place.

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