Collection of Buried Atari Cartridge Sells for Over $100,000
You might recall the story of an urban legend that said there was a huge treasure trove of buried Atari Cartridges in a landfill in New Mexico. This was a while back and the town wanted to see if the rumors were true. Turns out that a whopping 881 Atari Games were in fact buried after the dig was completed. But now it turns out these catridges have six figure value. According to
Fast forward to today and it turns out they’re worth something. The city has wrapped up its sale of 881 cartridges found in the landfill, earning $107,930 through a series of eBay auctions. Buyers were found from all over the world and shipping costs exceeded $26,000. The city of Alamogordo will receive $65,037 of the funds, with an additional $16,259 going to the Tularosa Basin Historical Society. Far and away the most famous sell was the historically terrible E.T. game. However other titles were found: Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man, Pele’s Soccer, Yar’s Revenge, Baseball, Centipede, and Warlords. The long copy of E.T. sold for a whopping $1,535 to become the single biggest earner.
What’s the lesson here? Make sure you hold on to every single piece of video game anything because you have no idea how much it’ll be worth someday.
Well like they say; one man’s trash is another’s treasure. I suppose.