Charlie Brown and Groot: Bad Luck Chuck
Charlie got really excited when he found a groot growing in his garden, thinking he may finally have a guardian who can defend him against the evil Lucy Van Pelt, but instead he found the groot to be yet another annoyance in his life. The darn thing kept saying its own name over and over again, it laughed when Lucy pulled the football away from Chuck at the last minute, and it ate every kite young Mr. Brown tried to fly. In fact, the only thing Charlie found useful about having a plant from another galaxy in his garden is the fact that it scared the heck out of Snoopy, which made it good for a laugh!
This comically cool Charles And Groot t-shirt by Albo will cost you mere peanuts but it’s so valuable some might even try to trade you an infinity gem or two for it. You can get them at the Neato Store. Check out more awesome prints below!
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