10 of the Best Kids Shows/Rated-R Movie Mash-Ups
One of the most popular posts we’ve ever had here at Unreality – and rightfully so – was 12 of the Best Kids Show Rap Mash-Ups. Undeniably, there’s something funny about watching children and/or puppets acting like boorish adults, cursing and demeaning women. Well, it’s not just rap videos that kids shows with which kids shows have been mashed; some creative people with great senses of humor have mashed-up kids shows with adult movies.
No, not pornos – this isn’t that type of site – but movies with adult themes. Rated-R movies, I guess. Either way, it’s pretty hilarious. Check out 10 of the best ones below. Obviously, some clips are NSFW. Like, very NSFW.
Bert & Ernie in Casino
Joe Pesci’s voice always gets me.
Bedrock History X
This one is pretty racy, saved by the humor of Fred and Barney walking away at the end.
Goodfellas Peanuts: Funny, How?
Easily the best one – the synchronization is incredible.
Goodfellas at Moe’s
Get your shinebox!
Reservoir Dogs Take Manhattan
I think I would have preferred the opening “Like a Virgin” monologue, but this is pretty damn good.
Fear and Loathing in Eternia
Like Masters of the Universe wasn’t trippy already.
The Big He-bowski
More impressive synchronization.
Full Metal Prime
This one actually gets funnier on repeated viewings. I didn’t know Optimus had it in him.
Charlie Brown and Linus in Clerks
Two friends have a disgusting conversation.
Kermit is Scarface (parts I and II)
How am I gonna get a scar from…
Would anyone like to critique a new children’s concept that I am working on?… It’s called Hector The Friendly Collector…
Any comments, feedback or suggestions would definitely be appreciated.
“Hector’s Creator”