Can You Pass This Cosmo Kramer GIF Quiz?


After being on hiatus for over a year I’ve decided to step back into the ring and talk about some of my favorite shows of past, present, but mainly past.  I’m the old fart on this site.  The dude in his mid 30s who misses the 80s, Atari, NES, the beginning of Seinfeld, the end of Cheers, when Jim Carrey and Adam Sandler were funny, and you know, anything else.   So today I figured it be best to start off with one of the best sitcom characters of my generation:  Cosmo Kramer…

While most people know that Michael Richards adopted this character from a real person, I’m still convinced he’s Christopher Llyod’s character from Taxi but on steroids.  Kramer is the quintessential random guy that we love to love.   Whether it’s pimpin’ like in the picture above, trying to win lawsuits with Jackie Chiles, making money from just being himself, or admitting to his terror of clowns, I was never able to get enough of Kramer.  I mean it got to the point where I’d look at the guy and laugh.  Anyway, rather than spoil it all, let’s have a look at some classic moments Cosmo gave us over the years.  The question however, is this:  can you name the title of the episodes these clips were in?

1. What’s he looking at?

Yes, we all know Kramer is a little razzled by the site of what he thought was something that turned out not to be that something.  But what was he looking at?

2.  Kramer being Kramer

Where’s he off to in this clip?

3.  That’s my spot!

So where is Kramer headed in this one?

4.  Been Pimpin’

Joseph and the Technicolor what?

5.  Don’t worry, Cosmo’s got the caboose!

But where is the fire they’re trying to put out?

6.  Venice Beach skating

Yes but what celebrity is on this episode?

7.  The Ugly Cigar Face

So who is Kramer suing in this episode?

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