The Camera I’ve Always Dreamed of Owning
Flashbacks to when Flash was an HM
Flashbacks to when Flash was an HM
Lover of all things video game, anime, or manga. I'm passionate about these things and virtually nothing else. Hope you enjoy my musings!
Artist Jeff Victor drew this awesome series of the entire Batman theatrical movie saga evolution. Hope you enjoy.
She’s been something of a staple of this site for the last two years, between inspiring various articles and showing off her Halloween costumes, but now my girlfriend is going to eventually be Mrs. Unreality….
by TJ Fink As anyone who has ever gone to a book reading can tell you, individual humans have the capacity for logical, critical thought. As anyone who has ever gone to a summer music…
The last time I saw Daft Punk, they DJ-ing a dance party in Tron Legacy, but the pair have quite the legacy of their own (see what I did there?). The beloved electronica duo have…
Recently we’ve lost two of our favorite writers, Sara Clemens and Joy Bossardet, as they move on to pursue kicking ass in other areas of life. Now, we have some weekly column spots open for…
Back in high school (mid/late 2000s) I had designed fakemon so having one for this nuzlocke comic was something I wanted to do, especially knowing the BW/BW2 lore mentions a single ancestral dragon that gave…