Brownie Coats
(click for full size)
Above we have some artwork from Patrick Ballesteros who shows a version of the crew of the Firefly we haven’t seen before.
It has a kind of Calvin and Hobbes type feel to it as a group of kids band together to pretend they’re flying a spaceship, the C-renity. The crew is all in their respective positions, and I particularly like Inara off by herself in a sidecar, and Kaylee crawling around where the engine should be.
Did anyone watch the Firefly special this weekend? Was it worthwhile? I’m probably going to have to get my hands on that somehow.
This is amazing.
Cool pic.
I watched the Firefly special on youtube, but it seems to have been removed since. It’s definitely worth a watch at least because for about 5 min (around the 30 min mark) they talk about future episode ideas. Beware of onion cutting at that part.