Black Ops Emblem Racism Gets Creative
I hate racism in all its forms, particularly when I’m being called racial slurs over Xbox Live by a Kentucky-born twelve year old. To quote Gob Bluth, “…but I’m white!”
But in case audible racism wasn’t good enough, some Call of Duty: Black Ops players take to their customizable emblems to show their ignorance. usually it’s some crude caricature or the default go-to, a swastika.
All this being said, this is pretty damn funny. That might not be PC to say, but as wrong as it may be, it’s at least a creative attempt to be offensive, and that’s something you don’t see very often online.
Offensive or funny? Or both?
Funny, and to be honest Kentucky is not all that racist. I know its the go to state for anything Souther or ignorant, But Indiana is much worse. Hell, the KKK started there.
I used to make my emblem boobs.
That is pretty damn funny all right, still offensive but pretty damn funneh
Funny. If anything, it seems to be almost a parody of racism. Also, even if Indiana is worse, pretty sure there are still racists in Kentucky, making it pretty pointless to correct somebody about which states they should tour to get the “best” racism. If a dude from Kentucky is shouting racist slurs, then a Kentucky-born dude is shouting racial slurs. I don’t understand the premise of that correction, Rosstopher. The lady doth protest too much.
It’s both, but it’s racist more against stupid white racists than it is against anyone else. “Lookie, those morons still think all black folks like chicken!”
A good deal of the racial stereotypes we’ve grown up with actually aren’t as much racial as they are social economical, especially in the case of food. If you looked around my old neighborhood, and even my new one, you’d say we all just loooove our chicken, but the truth is, chicken is less expensive than other meats, it’s good for you, and it’s filling. Same with a lot of the so-called “Black” foods. Black eyed peas? Same thing, inexpensive, filling, and delicious. Grits…oh, forget it, grits are something you either like or you don’t and nothing can change that. They could tell me grits will cure cancer and I’ll still hesitate before I’ll eat ’em.
just to be clear im not racist, the kkk actually started in new jersey and branched off from there the original leader of the kkk was from my home town and held meetings in my town hall
Racist and stupid. Racist because of the obvious. Racist because it gives the impression the user is the KKK member waiting in the bushes. Is this his ambition in life? Maybe I’m being a damp blanket here but racism and its enablers just piss me off.
Too bring it into something like gaming, a hobby that should be fun and free from crap like this is ridiculous.
you guys need to learn to laugh more and stop taking everything so literally.
This is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. Mike, you’re a twat.
i find it funny, i play with a black guy on xbox and we always make fun of each other with this stuff
I’m black and I find to be both racist and quite funny since there are people out there that still think in these types of stereotypes. This picture might be based off of a racist concept but at least shows some creativity. It’s not just some pic of a black person being lynched or a swastika like some other gamers try to do.
Im black and i find it hilarious. If the person was an actual racist, i doubt they would risk playing a game in which they be team mates with anyone of colour.
I dont find it offensive (because it looks like it was taken out of south park, and i cant possibly find anything offensive about south park) but i can see someone being offended by it.