Behold, the Lost Art of Inglourious Basterds


In what’s likely to be the only art exhibition I’d ever be pumped about going to, a series of talented artists have banded together to create unique poster art for Inglorious Basterds and compiled them all together to be shown at the Upper Playground Gallery in Los Angeles tomorrow. Not only that, but you can buy prints of each poster, and they’ll be numbered and signed by Quentin Tarantino himself. And all money goes to Haiti! Good lord, this is the greatest art show of all time.

I’ve grabbed the entire batch of posters which I’ve featured below. The one up there is my favorite, but damn are there a lot of cool ones here. Check them out:













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  1. @ J5: I find only the font has a Steadman feel to it. The actual art feels more Pink Floyd The Wall (I’m not sure who actually did the animations for the movie though).

    Either way, It’s my favourite as well.

  2. These are all great. It’s a shame that most movie posters don’t allow for this type of creativity and instead feature poorly photoshopped actors in generic poses.

  3. It’s kind of lame of you to make a list of great art like this, yet not credit a single artist who did the work. Your appropriating peoples artistic content for page hits.

  4. @ All the complainers:

    Simply click the link that Paul has provided and you will see all the credits. He doesn’t have to the re-write the names for those of you who can’t be bothered to click the link.

  5. Have any of you seen the original? I’m surprised this movie hasn’t sparked an interest in checking out the original. Ok, the original is no where near as good really but Quintin is really tipping his hat to your movie when he does a REMAKE Of it. Its too bad alot of people nowadays only like things that are NEW, and can’t be bothered to look back at the vast collection of movies spanning DECADES of time. Young people today can’t be bothered to watch Bogart’s films or Peter O’Toole’s movies, its all about what’s NEW.
    Its mass brainwashing of the “youth cult” so that they can systematically lower their standards, and easily satisfy their shallow easily produced requirements. Blood, gore and violence are easy to produce on screen. End of rave. Great movie, great art show, love it. Yes, the artists name’s should be listed clearly below each piece I agree with the earlier poster, you shouldn’t have to click some link to discover the artists name. Artists need all the publicity they can get, and these are very worthy artists. Give them some props, and list their names prominently beside their work as they deserve it.

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