BatDad: A Hero to Us All
I feel like an old man these days who is finally falling behind all the hip new technology the kids are using like “Vine,” the five-second video posting thing. What could you possible do in five seconds that would be remotely interesting? Turns out, quite a lot.
Above and below you’ll find the newest Vine sensation, BatDad. It’s a regular dad who has dressed up as Batman and shot five second videos with various members of his family doing BadDad related things. There are two compilations videos of all his vines that you can find up there and after the jump. I actually watched both all the way through as they were a lot more funny than I anticipated, and I wanted to see what he would do next.
Alright, time to get on top of this thing. I’m going to go get a mask and become Vine superstar, Spider-Blogger.