Avengers Extended Trailer Is One Of Many Missed Last Week
Who doesn’t like movie trailers bright and early on Monday morning!? My apologies everyone, somehow I completely it spaced Friday (I blame work) and forgot to post the week’s movie trailers. I feel ashamed. Hey, at least if I do a better job and remember to post this Friday that means you’ll get 2 days this week for movie trailers! Woo hoo! Well, I’d be excited about it.
Oh, and did anyone catch Rosewater, Foxcatcher, Dumb & Dumber To, or Beyond the Lights? I really wanted to see Foxcatcher and didn’t get an opportunity to. *sadface
Let’s do this.
Avengers: Age of Ultron (Official Extended Trailer)
I hope those of you who are trying to keep the plot a mystery will not watch this, but it doesn’t really show too much more than the original one. (Will I see this? – yes)
Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2
Ok, really? People must just have money that they’re dying to waste. (Will I see this? – nope)
The Imitation Game (trailer #2)
That Benedict Cumberbatch is so hot right now. (reference there anyone?) … This is a better trailer than the first one and gives me more inclination to want to see the film. (Will I see this? – yes)
Fifty Shades of Grey (trailer #2)
The guy who is playing Mr. Grey looks like he can’t act at all! This looks gut wrenchingly awful. I wonder how many women secretly wish that they could be tied up for their “fun” time since this story seems to be so popular…? (Will I see this? – yes – because that’s all the wife wants for V-Day)
Two Days, One Night
This is one of those movies that people will talk about just because one performance is probably really well done regardless if the movie is good or even worth seeing. It doesn’t look as riveting as the trailer would have you believe. (Will I see this? – nope)
Song One
I love me some Anne Hathaway but this seems so cliche’. (not sure how to make one of those ‘e’s) Blah – Anne you’re better than this! (Will I see this? – nope)
Against the Sun
I knew that Draco Malfoy would be able to someday do something different. After Life of Pi, I’m not much for “raft” movies anymore though. (Life of Pi was amazing – but it’s just hard to watch stuff like that for 2 hrs+) (Will I see this? – maybe)
Escobar: Paradise Lost
Josh Hutcherson is doing his best to get out from under the horrible movies that he was a part of in his early career. This doesn’t look half bad, of course the added bonus getting to see Benicio do his thing. (Will I see this? – maybe)
Insurgent (teaser trailer)
Hmmmm another dream to test her abilities perhaps? Either way I liked Divergent well enough to give Insurgent a chance. Though I don’t like what they did to Shailene’s hair – oh yeah, I’m that vain. (Will I see this? – yes)
Mortdecai (official trailer)
The first trailer did nothing for me but this one is enticing. I think I might actually want to see this – if anything for a little light hearted comedy brought to us by Depp’s performance. (Will I see this? – maybe)
Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb (official trailer #2)
Let’s just hope it’s better than the one that came before it – if anything, just for Robin William’s sake. (Will I see this? – rental)
Testament of Youth
I’m not sure how to comment on this one at all other than to say it’s just not my cup of tea. (Will I see this? – nope)
What do you guys think about this week’s trailers? Any of them peak your interest? Sound off in the comments below. Yeah, I actually want to hear from you. Any trailers I might’ve missed? Take care and enjoy your movie filled weekend … er week!
Hey guys & gals, my name is Lucas Tetrault and if you like this post or any of the others I’ve written – please feel free to venture over to my Blog and take a gander at some other stuff I write about. Heck, you can follow me on Twitter if you want. I promise I don’t intend to waste your time.
I work as a Creative Director and spend time away from my job with my family, writing for Unreality, and trying to be creative with my own personal projects.