An Unforgettable Horror Discussion: “Fear on Film”
by David R.
I actually discovered this on the Criterion release of Videodrome, but it needs to be seen by everybody. This is an 1982 TV special called “Fear on Film,” and at the time it was really just a simple roundtable with three of horror cinema’s more intriguing young filmmakers: John Landis. John Carpenter. David Cronenberg.
Yeah. Three icons of horror — hell, of movies in general — all arguably in their prime, just sitting around gabbing about horror movies.
It’s a good talk all the way through. It might just be because I’m less familiar with Landis’s work, but the most surreal bit is seeing Carpenter and Cronenberg comparing notes on The Thing and Videodrome before either was released. Both turned out to be iconic masterpieces, and these guys are just so… chill. Which they probably should be, but it’s still okay for people like me to sit here with our eyes popping out of our heads.
You don’t want to miss this. The first part is embedded above, and here are the links for parts two and three.