A Touching Funeral for an Xbox 360
There are only a few certainties in life, death, taxes and the Xbox 360 Red Ring. I’ve lost two of my own in five years, and I’m just waiting on my newest one to explode like the time bomb it is. Usually, I just throw it in a box and send it out to the Xbox graveyard in Texas, and wait for them to send me a new one, but one gamer who lost his treated it like an old friend. He has far more respect for the flawed system than me.
I’ve seen this photo series before, but I looked and I don’t remember every posting it. It’s a rather well done series of photos where various consoles attend a funeral for the Xbox (all wrapped up in styrofoam and plastic) and everyone mourns as Master Chief gives the eulogy. Even PS3 attended! That was big of him to come, considering their bitter lifelong rivalry and all.
Check out the rest of the photos below:
uhmm there is a ps3.
behind the game-gear 😉
You are correct! I wasn’t scrolled up enough to see that.
ps2 is not in there. it must be still stuck in its super star days. too bitter to come to a funeral.
The PS2 passed away a couple of months ago. Yet no-one thought to hold a funeral.
I had tears in my eyes……almost. but this is great and Sega Saturn missed out also…