A Gallery of Six Video Game Icons that Should Never be Cosplayed
Just because a video game character is legendary, does not necessarily mean that they should be cosplayed. Sure some of these have to do with a species difference, but mostly, it’s just about the creepiness factor.
Here are six video game icons you really should think twice about dressing up as before your next convention. Or you might end up on a list like this.
1. Pac Man
It’s hard to pull off dressing like a geometric shape. In fact, it’s impossible, so don’t even try. And making “wakka wakka wakka” noises when you walk by is not helping.
2. Sonic the Hedgehog
The problem with Sonic is that no matter how hard you try, you’ll always end up looking like a reject from the set of “Cats.”
3. Bowser
You really can’t capture “menacing” with a plush foam shell on your back. The chick below almost has it, but not quite.
4. Link
Even if you get every detail perfect, you will still look like a complete fairy. Not an elf, a fairy. It’s kind of sad when the absolute best Link cosplayers are two hot girls.
5. Pikachu
He’s a pint size electric rat, you’re a tubby human. It’s just not going to work out, and you’ll most likely scare little children in the process.
6. Mega Man
Your Mega Man costume can be absolutely perfect, but there’s something about the get-up that will automatically make you look like a doofus. I feel like an eight year-old kid would have a better chance of pulling off the look.
Link is similar to Peter Pan in that girls can pull it off better because ladies have a more similar structure and physique of peter pan and link than men do. That’s just my opinion though.
The second Mega Man reminds me of Tobias Funke.
I disagree about pikachu. I’ve seen some babies that were Pikachu for Halloween…. adorable.
Their round pudgy bodies and adorable faces fit perfectly. Maybe have a (for people over 3) for this one
A few of the Link ones were actually pretty good.
The second Mega Man looks like a Never Nude.
You do realize that your first example for Link is a girl… She got her hat signed by Miyamoto at E3 one year. I love that costume.
OMG! Please tell me that the blonde link is a guy. Cuz when i saw the picture, i was like I wanna marry that guy! bahaha
haha sydney. he’s a guy I know him. he goes by pikminlink. contact him on deviantart.com. he gave me great tips on cosplay đŸ˜€
I’ve seen some awesome Link cosplays, though the best male one was by smosh’s Ian.
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