5 Things We Want To See in Dying Light 2

Dying Light 2

Dying Light was the highly popular zombie/parkour/hack-and-slash/first-person shooter developed by Techland and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment in 2015. It included loads of DIY weapons, akin to “The Walking Dead” and many cool features like unlockable skills and even a competitive multiplayer mode! Since the release of Dying Light, fans of the game have been begging for a sequel to be made. While it is currently in development, it was delayed due to unforeseen circumstances. Originally slated for a Spring 2020 release date, the game is now set to (hopefully) release in 2021. With no general time frame to go on, my bet is that it will most likely release in the Fall, but nothing has been officially confirmed, it may not even make its 2021 release date and could possibly be pushed to 2022. Hopefully that doesn’t happen, but while we wait for Techland to finish development on the game, here’s the top 5 things we want in Dying Light 2!

5. Multiplayer

The multiplayer mode in Dying Light was one of my favorite parts about the game. The way that the multiplayer – called “Invasion” – in Dying Light worked is that you would hop into a lobby with a couple of friends, one of you would become the Infected and the rest of your party would become the survivors. The goal of the Infected was to kill all of the survivors and the goal of the survivors? Survive the Infected. This mode was a nice break from the regular free-roam Campaign mode and was just really fun – plus you were able to unlock skills to upgrade yourself as an Infected! I really hope that Techland re-implements the Invasion multiplayer mode, so that I can once again flex on my friends with my superior hunting skills.

4. Even more skills

Dying Light had a lot of skills; Boosters, Booster XL, Lucky Repair, Ultimate Survivor, and of course the Grappling Hook were all examples of a few of the skills that were available to be unlocked in-game. While I’m certainly not saying that Dying Light had too few skills, I am saying that I want even more in Dying Light 2, I would love it if the sequel gave us even more unique skills. We need some skills that take a lot to unlock, but are incredibly powerful and change up the gameplay. I also hope they bring back the Grappling Hook and please, Techland, give us a double jump!

3. Bigger map

The map in Dying Light was huge, but I don’t think I’m alone when I say that I want an even bigger map in Dying Light 2. Now, this is actually something that has been confirmed by Techland to be coming to the game. According to the developers themselves, Dying Light 2 is set to be four times bigger than the map from the original Dying Light. Apparently the game will also feature a system of actions and consequences, so you may be able to unlock areas by making certain choices. I’m really looking forward to this and the quadrupled map size! I mean, bigger is always better…right?

2. More loot

The gameplay of Dying Light revolved around collecting bigger and better weapons and loot. Dying Light 2 should absolutely stay true to this aspect of the first game. The loot was fantastic and as much as I hated a weapon breaking and being forced to spend resources to repair it, it definitely forced players to be resourceful. Forcing players to decide whether they wanted to keep the weapon they had used all game and continue to use resources to fix it, or decide to ditch the hunk of junk and find something new; this kept the gameplay lively and always rotating – something that Destiny 2 is still trying to figure out.

#1. Focus on mobility

One of the highlights of Techland’s Dying Light was the movement. With no other mode of transportation until Dying Light: The Following introduced dune buggies, players had to walk, run, and parkour all throughout the map, so saying that mobility being a key factor to the game is a massive understatement. A heavy focus on mobility in Dying Light 2 would be absolutely incredible. Like I said earlier, I would greatly appreciate the ability to double jump while in the air, though I suppose that may break some vital laws of physics. Still, I want a double jump. Maybe throw in a faster sprint skill? Either way, I would definitely appreciate if Dying Light 2 improved on the mobility of the first game – not that it was bad – but everything can always be improved.

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