2014: The Year in Gaming in Under 2 Minutes

The individual who created this video says it best right here:

2014 has been an intense time for games. It has been a year of big delays, messy launches, and non-stop controversy. It has also been a year in which both AAA and indie developers produced innumerable games that overflowed with both artistry and ambition. This is a celebration of their work, and hopefully a re-affirmation that video games are something worth believing in.

These are by no means the only great games from 2014. Your favorite game isn’t missing because I don’t think it is worthy… more likely it just didn’t edit together well with the rest or had to go to keep it under 2 minutes. I also attempted to give some screen time to overachieving indies that deserve the attention, rather than trying to cram in every major release.

Thanks Malcolm Klock!

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