10 Hilarious David Cross Videos
I had the unexpected pleasure of seeing David Cross perform at the Michigan Theater in Ann Arbor last night when my friend called me moments before the show to let me know it was happening. His exact words were “I just found out about this, and you were the first person I thought of that liked Arrested Development.”
So I went, unsure of what exactly I would see, because I would venture a guess that he wasn’t going to be acting like Tobias Funke for an hour and a half. But I was pleasantly surprised to find that he was hilarious, and performed for the better part of two hours, consistently cracking everyone up for the duration.
And so, today you get this post. Ten awesome videos of David Cross ranging from Arrested to Mr. Show to stand-up. Enjoy.
Why Was Arrested Development Canceled?
Best of Tobias Funke
Talking Arrested, Mr. Show and Writing
An Open Letter to Larry the Cable Guy
Mr. Show – The Audition
Mr. Show – Indomitable Spirit
Cross on Bush, 4 Months after 9/11
Cross on Religion
Gay Guys Ordering Pizza
Oh man, I love “The Audition.” Classic Mr. Show.
larry might suck, but david is a hypocrite. fartin’ gary sketch from mr. show, anyone? plus, he’s just as much of a bigot towards rednecks as larry is about arabs.
granted, david can actually be funny when he gets off of his bitchy political soapbox.