10 Awesome Comedy to Horror Recut Trailers

Dumb and Dumber

It’s a big part of what we do here.  We love to find recut trailers.  And I’m a huge fan of both trailer mashups as well as the altering of trailers to make a one genre look like another.  Today I decided to focus on comedy movies made to look like horror movies.

It works pretty well because in general you see a bunch of crazy faces and even violence.  So when you slap on a scary song, disturbing narration and solid editing, you get a pretty decent product.

Here are 10 awesome comedy to horror recut trailers

Dumb and Dumber

Uncle Buck Horror 

Better off Dead

Ferris the 13th

Willy Wonka Horror


Home Alone as a Thriller

Toy Story 

Happy Gilmore

Meet The Parents

American Pie – You Have to Click to See


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