Turning Movie Posters Into Cartoons
On occasion we spot a real gem of a photoshop contest on Worth1000. And by gem I mean something that we can use here on our site. If it has to do with our favorite topics then chances are we’re gonna do our best to post it.
Today I came across a contest where users were asked to photoshop movie posters into cartoons. But this is even better because it’s not just any cartoon. The cartoons actually tie in to the movies.
You’ll see what I mean
The rest of these are even better….
something about this is so wrong
but so right
what’s up with the new page system??? I liked scrolling the long posts
We’re just trying to get more organized on the site and are breaking up articles. Don’t worry, you’ll never see an insane amount. At most 3-4 and those would be on long articles. It’s like turning the page…