The Slow Burn of BoJack Horseman’s First Season
At first, BoJack Horseman is a fairly simplistic, consistently clever little satire of Hollywood superficiality, a familiar story told through the lens of the absurd world it was set in. BoJack, a former 1990s sitcom actor (on the long-running, thoroughly mediocre Horsin’ Around) and current washout, partied and philandered around his mansion and LA, consistently surrounded by reminders of who he once was; from “Chapter One” to the season’s seventh episode “Say Anything”, BoJack is a series of well-trodden stories about a horse-man’s mid-life crisis as he tries to explore the most successful (and darkest) periods of his life with the ghost writer of his memoir, Diane (a woman he’s slowly falling in love with, as well).
Find out more about the slow burn of BoJack Horseman.