The Game of Thrones Last Supper
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I think it’s a given rule that any show that has a cast of more than thirteen people must do a Last Supper parody at some point. Until Game of Thrones gets around to doing their own official version, we have this fan-created one from Shiela (via io9)
It’s got Tyrion in the Jesus role, naturally, and I think they’ve crammed in a few more people than just 12 disciples and Mary Magdalene. Also, there are significantly more direwolves and dragons, so there’s that.
On a related note, I would totally watch an animated Game of Thrones series, should any creative person ever want to expand on the universe. There are only seven books, after all, but the world they live in? It’s big enough for a stable of shows and movies for sure.
An animated series would rule , possibly maybe a mini series dealing with the biggest conflicts in the history, coming down from Aegon’s landing, covering Maegor’s rule an then moving onto the dance of the dragons and the Blackfyre rebellion and then The war of the usurper. It would be great to see all the house in the past, like with Dunk and Egg.
I think it’d be cool if they did the Dunk and Egg stuff as little movies. There is little chance of that happening of course.