The Ash We Once Knew

A little bit of sadness to close out the week. How things can change over the years. How people can change. We’re sorry Misty, we miss him too.

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  1. He didn’t throw it away, he GAVE it to Misy as a gift to show how important she is to him. Plus like the running IOU for her bike he destroyed. Doesn’t anyone follow the storyline?

  2. I always felt this was incorrectly captioned.

    Ash died in Pokemon the First Movie. Every thing after were the dreams of Pikachu imprisoned by Mewtwo. Misty cries over his hat because it was the only thing she could save before Mewtwo shattered Ash into dust.

  3. Ash changed hats. He didn’t throw it away or give it away or anything his outfit changed. Good grief. IOU for the bike? What show are you watching?!!!! SHE GOT HER BIKE BACK! Before Ash when to the Sinnioh region. Wikipedia it.

  4. OK, yeah I remember him giving primape the hat.

    But in the next one he still had a hat. Maybe they mass produced them in Kanto?

    Besides, that really doesn’t explain this pic. That seems to show he’s dead or something, or he dumped Misty or something.

    Guven this is based on a cartoon whose only defining quality is little battle monsters, isn’t this a little too much? Trying a bit too hard to make a kids game cartoon adaptation into some kind of message about relationships or something.

    Bit odd…

  5. Uhm dude. Patrick you yell at us for not following the storyline and you believe that the picture above actually happened; that he gave the hat to Misty. He left it in Palette town when his mom bought him new clothes when he was off on his journey through Hoenn. So yeah. Good game. 🙂

  6. i often frequent this blog, just letting you know that he’s another patrick and not me >..<

    in case you guys see my name (or his) again
    …cuz theyre the same

  7. Omg…… its just art…it does not have 2 b apart of a “story line” or anything……people are getting worked up over a beautiful online drawing!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Seriously, there is nothing wrong with people debating pokemon. Adults play pokemon as much if not more than kids these days because the first wave of players are all grown up and the series is so endearing that we still have a special place for it deep in our hearts. We all enjoy debating and/or discussing our favorite game/book/movie/show so why is this any different? And as far as making a kids show mean more than it should, pokemon has much deeper meaning to the show than meets the eye, just like any story, especially anime.

    Now, everyone, sit back, enjoy your favorite whatever, and let everyone else enjoy theirs. Why do you care what other people you will never meet enjoy in their spare time? Trolls are the ones that need to get a life.

  9. Its perfectly acceptable for adults to like pokemon, especially since most of us grew up with it, and the fan art is supposed to represent the fact that ash made a big deal about the hat and now has had many new ones, and the fact that misty is no longer one of his traveling companions… yea It’s just to represent that some people and the person who created this picture miss the old pokemon, truthfully I too miss it when there was only 151 pokemon.
    And come on people DO NOT hate on the other people debating about pokemon, you are on a video game website you have no right to put people down for liking a certain game.

  10. @ Sharn
    What are you smoking?

    Ash didn’t die in the first movie. The tears of the Pokemon crying over what their fight caused revived him. He recovered and was perfectly fine. Why do you think, on the OST, the song is called “Tears of LIFE”? And before you say anything along the lines of “How can Pokemon tears revive anything” keep in mind one thing: POKEMON IS NOT REAL AND ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN. How can Ash survive being electrocuted by Pikachu? How can Team Rocket get blasted off and survive every time? Care to explain that?

    No, this picture is because Ash completely changed his look, even his hat, after saying how special said hat was. This was ALSO when he left Kanto–thus leaving Misty behind.

    Get your facts straight and watch the movie. Because, honestly, the Coma Theory makes more sense than this.

  11. You guys are all idiots, where do you get, Ash dumping Misty? the point is the hat was supposed to be important to him but he doesn’t wear it anymore, there’s no ‘message’ here, its just making a point about ash. Every single one of you is stupid. I hope you’re all proud

  12. everyone still thinks that misty had nothing for ash? there was a cd that came out a long time ago and it had a bonus track on it of misty singing “because I love you” and she was referring to ash. there mystery solved.

  13. It sucked after first season. When they got rid of Brock, and brought in that bitch Tracy-fuck em all. After that, none of that shit was watchable. IMO.

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