The 18 Most Frustrating Moments of Prometheus

If you read my review of Prometheus on Monday, you know that I wasn’t a fan. To me, it’s another “what could have been” from Ridley Scott, who has been making those kind of films since Gladiator. And don’t get me started on the director’s cut of Kingdom of Heaven that everyone thinks is the second coming.

Unfortunately in the review, as I was trying to avoid spoilers, I wasn’t able to pinpoint the exact moments in which the film went awry. As such, I’ve compiled them here for anyone who has seen the movie already and would like to compare notes.

I am NOT the type of person to nitpick a movie to death after I see it, but these things jumped out at me as I was watching, meaning they’re pretty damn obvious. There were so many moments that were badly written, completely altered the tone of the film, or just flat out didn’t make sense. Here are eighteen I thought of as the movie played, in mostly chronological order:

1. The most advanced raced in the galaxy stores their incredibly dangerous biological weapon in unlocked jars that sit out in the open?


2. Sticky goo we don’t recognize? Let’s touch it! Air we haven’t fully examined? Let’s breathe it! Severed alien head that may well be the only preserved one in human history? Let’s electrocute it until it explodes!

“Let’s taste it just to be sure.”

3. Mankind has just made the most significant discovery in the history of time, physical proof that aliens exist, and Charlie gets drunk because they’re all dead and can’t talk to him.

4. Vickers is very proud of her limited edition auto-surgery booth that she keeps in her quarters, yet it only works on males.

5. David poisons Charlie with the black goo for…what purpose exactly? To teach him a lesson about trying to be a bro AND a scientist? Not cool, bro.

6. No one seems to care when mohawk guy and glasses guy get lost in the Engineer’s black goo silo. They also have a three dimensional map of the entire complex with pings showing them exactly where they are, yet still somehow get lost.

Also: “I flew halfway across the galaxy as a security officer/geologist for a trillion dollar mission, but I’m too scared to see what’s behind this alien door.”

7. Biology glasses guy was chosen for his knowledge in the field above everyone else on earth, and treats the first contact with a living alien species like he’s playing with a kitten. And of course it kills him.

8. Despite glasses guy having a snake tendril rammed down his throat like what happened to the Engineer at the end, nothing ever bursts out of his torso.

9. Mohawk guy meanwhile, inexplicably turns into a frog zombie after touching the goo.

10. Vickers allegedly sleeps with the captain on a whim, completely contradicting everything we’ve seen about her character, and it’s never mentioned a single time again for the rest of the film.

“Hey didn’t we just…?” “Nope.” “But…” “Nope.”

11. Vickers is kept out of the loop about her father’s plan, and has no real authority over David. Her father is on board the whole time, so her role as a supervisor is useless as well. Why is her character even there?

12. Shaw assaults the crew, performs autosurgery on herself and no one even brings it up once she’s seen again.

13. The entire purpose of the first funded mission to find extraterrestrial life is because a 200 year old man doesn’t want to die? Why didn’t he just spend a trillion dollars trying to invent new medical advances on earth instead? Probably better odds than hoping you find an alien who’s feeling generous with the gift of eternal life.

14. The wise and benevolent Engineer’s first act when he wakes up is to beat everyone to death like a caveman.

“Save me, my child!” 

15. David proceeds to have his head carried around like he’s a long lost member of the Addams Family. It was creepy in the original Alien when the severed android head spat out white goo and revealed his true intentions, here it was just goofy.

16. The captain and his crew members approach a suicide missions with the enthusiasm one might a particularly fun rollercoaster, hands up and all.

17. Vickers does not know how to run sideways to avoid a giant rolling alien ship.

18. After seeing an Engineer beat her entire crew into dust without any provocation, after acquiring a spaceship, Shaw wants to go to their planet to ask them why they’re so mad at us. That should go well.

UPDATE: Red Letter Media has all my complaints and more:


Thanks Johnny!

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  1. It had all the proper ingredients for a classic. Interesting premise, themes, etc… but the writing was crap. I recently learned that it was co-written by Lindelof who co-creator of Lost. Then the fact that it didn’t make any sense made perfect sense.

  2. Paul the movie sucks just say it! I know its been hyped for four years now, and everybody is dying to see a decent Alien universe film again; but despite the film’s high production values the script is so atrocious that any goodwill you might have for Prometheus dies withing the firs 30 minutes.

  3. I was really confused by Vickers motives, if she wanted control of the company after her dad died, why didn’t she stay the eff at the company?

    That’s not to say anyone else’s actions made any more sense, cuz they didn’t.

  4. You kinda missed some things

    1. There is a good indication that there was a sabotage(probably from the guy who killed himself). As we saw with David there are jars who are properly stored

    2. This wasn’t electrocution. They meant to temporarily revive the head. It made no sense that it exploded

    3. Charlie was obviously one of those fanatical freaks/spoiled children that gets upset when they don’t achieve exactly what they want

    4. It was obviously not meant for her but for her father

    5. The whole goal of the mission was to save Wayland. They didn’t know what good did but in case it cause positive changes perhaps even rejuvination he was a good subject for experimentation

    11. It wasn’t exactly clear but it looks like she has one of those unhealthy realtionships with her father where she wants his approval and love and follows him around like a puppy

    Agreed on the others. Especially the last part. I was hoping she would say something like payback and using their own weapon against them

  5. The only people claiming the engineers were good and benevolent are the scientists. The scene where one wakes up and proceeds to beat weyland to death was them flat out showing that they were very, very wrong.

  6. So I’m cool with people not liking this flick, some movies aren’t for everyone, and where I agree that the movie did not live up to expectations, I do think that there are things you are overlooking that are obvious.

    I could go in depth but I’m just too lazy to type that much, but I would say this….

    4. The pod was obviously meant for the father that has been on the ship the whole time.

    5. Someone else answered this question in your other post/rant; which was the obvious answer.

    Then of course there are other arguments to be made, but whatev’s, what can I say to someone who gave “Battle Ship” a better rating than “Prometheus”.

    With that said, I’m not trying to insult you. After all you do essentially like everything I like, and you do provide a place that like minded people gather to share there thoughts that is why I come to this site. But like I said, I think you’re overlooking a few things. Oh well maybe it’s just me.

    Anyways Cheers!

  7. Was anyone else completely put off by the awful Forrest Gumpian/Saving Private Ryanish score? It did not fit the style or mood of the movie in the slightest. I was really bothered by it.

  8. Most of these points are actually easily explained. I’m not going to list them right now (many people have already done that) but I kept trying to find great faults with the movie and was easily able to explain everything that was going on and why. The only thing that I actually agree with you on is how Theron’s character was pointless, and not for the same reason. She SAID her reason for being there, but plot-wise she did nothing. The thing that really got to me that you didn’t talk about was the fact that the religious metaphors are ambiguous and go nowhere, as well as contradict each other. I really liked the movie, surprisingly, but if you think about each of these points a little harder, or go see the film again, you’ll see they did include why all of this happened.

    The one that’s hardest to argue is why David poisoned the Shephard look alike. Oh wait, no it isn’t because David was most likely instructed to do so to see what happened to see if it would help Wayland. Even if that wasn’t the case (which is hard to believe, seeing as everything in the movie points to it), you could argue that he was having an obsession similar to the robot in the original Alien. Much like him, he seemed amazed by these creatures, and when Naomi Roopace was impregnated, he refused to take it out of her, obviously wishing it to live (which was the result of his poisoning that one guy, whom he knew was having a relationship with Naomi).

    See? It’s complicated, or seems like it, but that’s only because NOTHING in this movie was spelled out for you. And that’s how movies should be. You have to know the characters and their motivations to understand what and why. That’s good filmmaking and good writing (although I have some problems with the writing too).

  9. UMMM…THE SURGERY POD THINGY WAS PROBABLY FOR WYLAND…DUH!.they couldnt guide the two guys out cause there was a fucking storm. a Xenomorph did pop out of the Engineer. it was right after it all cut to black like 5 seconds later it burst out of his chest. Yeah id be mad too if Charlies was being a bro.

  10. @Jake Fortner

    “The one that’s hardest to argue is why David poisoned the Shephard look alike. Oh wait, no it isn’t because David was most likely instructed to do so to see what happened to see if it would help Wayland.”

    Riiiiiiiight, so the android returns to the ship with a cannister of who-knows-what and decides to feed it to someone just to see what happens because maybe it might save Weyland’s life? And you don’t find this moronic? THAT is the fucking plan? Send a spcae ship many, many light years to save an old dude and then start feeding the crew whatever the android finds lying around in the hopes that it might be a miracle drug. Oh, yeah, now it makes perfect sense.

    Paul isn’t saying that these moments can’t be explained, only that the explainations either don’t make any sense or are fucking stupid or both. The only point he missed was the medical pod. Nothing else anyone has said here invalidates his other points.

  11. 1.Its NOT out in the open, David who has undergone YEARS of traning in various ancient languages is the only one able to open, activate or operate anything,and he’s a ROBOT! Would the others have been able to open it? Fat Chance.

    2.Yup, DUMB Humans, Probably why their makers wanted to eliminate them [^_^]

    3.Paul YOU are upset over answers that you didn’t get,and this is a movie, so imagine what the scientist is going through.He probably expected a thriving civilization and all he could find was some sticky goo, a statue and a vague bas-releif.

    4.Simple, she is a robot, see how similar she is to David and obviously that machine is only for Weyland who is ailing.

    5.That’s because Weyland tells him to TRY HARDER for more understanding of what it is, or it could just be an anti douchebag response built into future robots

    6.True, Plot hole, Anyone have an answer for this?

    7.Again Dumb Human

    8. Aw come on dude, now you’re asking for too much, they are MUTATED WORMS, not face huggers , the ooze mutates shit remember?

    9.Touch Ooze=Free weird mutation, Remember Logan-Marshalls character is burnt halfway through the mutation.

    10.Just to avoid anyone investigating whether she is a robot or not(not sure if this answer will satisfy you)

    11.You remember the bit where weyland says that David is the closest thing i have to a son? Same thing goes for vickers, she is probably a much advanced version whose secret is probably known only by weyland and a few people.

    12.Hmm Good question, but im not sure this is very important

    13.Think about it, Not wanting to die using some medical tech marvel as opposed to a( and in the movie ultimately misguided) “magical” cure that the engineers may have in store for him, combined with actually MEETING them, What do u think holds more importance for a man who has achieved probably everything?

    14. We dont know what the HELL david who blurts out something in the (what he thinks is the appropriate) alien language told the engineer. Whether david has malicious intents( he does say everyone wants to kill their father) or inadvertently says the wrong thing to aggravate the engineer we will never know, well at least me, cos the subtitles werent given here where the movie was screened.

    15.This is your personal like-dislike, dont think this is much of an issue. (although Joanna Robinson at pajiba would like one for christmas X-D)

    16.YES! The black dude(and asian dude) dies THIRD LAST! HUZZAH for minority representation. Although i must say why not retain elba’s sexy british accent?

    17.X-D! This is one argument that may prevent the the theory about her being a robot


    and NO, Im not a virgin! And yes i live with my parents, How is that relevant may i ask??!? >:-(

  12. @ Andy
    I think it might have to do something with the way they were marketing the movie before it came out. Which really worked on getting me to see it. Check out Wetlands TED talk.

    @ Jake Fortner
    David’s primary objective was to save Weylands life and he uncovered most of the discoveries without any thought of consequence he doesn’t care about the other crew members at this point in the movie. He’s a Synthetic created for a specific purpose. I thought it was cool to see a Synthetic try and replicate life without worrying of consequence when it came to the other crew. Very creepy.

    If you guys didn’t like the movie it’s your business. But at the time I was watching it I was engaged in the suspense of wondering how it was going to end. Then after I saw it I thought about answers to most of the questions posed in the first half for a couple hours. Look how many people are talking about it now days later. If that isn’t a good sign that this will become a classic down the road in Sci Fi I don’t know what is.

    By the way Paul I think this is an awesome website keep up the good work.

  13. Like I said in my comment in your review, there were plot holes and strange inconsistencies, but I really don’t care because the movie really got me thinking (always a good thing for a movie to do) and it entertained me far more than Alien did. Now don’t get me wrong, I love Alien, but I feel a lot of people are viewing it with rose colored glasses, it’s really great, but it isn’t perfect. The dialogue is pretty terrible and the acting is sometimes quite bad, I’m looking at you Veronica Cartwright. One complaint I have heard far too many times about Prometheus is that the tension that was prevalent in Alien was missing; well let me tell you something, THIS IS NOT ALIEN! It is a completely different kind of movie, the tension wasn’t important and this movie did have tension in spades, but the most important thing in Prometheus was the profound ideas. How cool is it that we can have a 120 million dollar movie that questions the existence of God and the creation of human life?
    #6 isn’t actually a plot hole, the biologist and the geologist got lost so easily because they didn’t have the same 3D map and the ship didn’t help them get out of the complex due to the electrical storm raging outside.

    As for a few more of your issues with the movie, Paul, let’s see if I can help a little bit:
    1. The jars were not just sitting out in the open, they were in a locked space that only David could figure out how to open after studying every language to decode the writing.
    2. David was the only one to touch the goo on purpose and its doubtful it would affect a synthetic being. Taking off their helmets was weird, but it really doesn’t matter and complaining about it is nitpicking, the air levels were measured to be breathable so they felt it was safe. Stupid, but not movie breaking stupid.
    3. He went up there hoping for one thing and got the exact opposite of what he was hoping for, I’d be pissed off too.
    4. That whole lifeboat was obviously always meant for Weyland. I expect his intentions were to find eternal life and leave everyone that would know his secret behind.
    5. He was ordered to “Try harder” so he did. He wasn’t being evil. Charlie was a dick to him though, so that may be why David chose him to experiment on. But David doesn’t have any kind of emotions so he went ahead and tried it out to see what would happen.
    6. It’s not that they people on the ship didn’t care, they simply couldn’t do anything about it at the time due to the electrical storm. He wussed out because he just witnessed a hologram of dozens of the engineers running away from something that killed all of them. He was out of his area of expertise and he had reason to be scared.
    7. Yeah he was pretty stupid there, but he didn’t have a way of knowing it would react the way it did. But I’ll give you that, he was pretty stupid there.
    8. He was attacked by a completely different creature. Just because the two have something in common doesn’t mean they’d have the same effect. Do you expect someone that is attacked by an octopus to die from a venomous bite because their tentacles look kinda like a snake?
    9. He and Charlie were attacked with the same “weapon” and they had the same exact affliction. You could clearly see Charlie was starting to get monstrous looking. Now I have no idea WHY they were turned into monsters the way they were, but all that really matters is that they were.
    10. This was really strange and out of place. I will definitely give you that. But I have a feeling it will be more important in the inevitable director’s cut.
    11. Yes, Weyland is on board but he’s hardly in a position to lead a crew. Plus he had reasons to hide the fact that he was alive, so there needed to be a leader for everyone to look to for orders.
    12. At the point she gives herself the surgery the cat is out of the bag about Weyland being alive so the teams motives change and her “baby” is no longer that important. It was strange that the people she attacked wouldn’t yell at her for attacking them, but thats really inconsequential.
    13. Those medical advances are the exact things that allowed him to live as long as he did, but it’s obvious he was living half a life with no real freedom. Plus the idea of meeting ones maker was really intriguing to him.
    14. Like someone said earlier, we don’t know exactly what David said to the engineer, he may have asked for him to kill his “father” like he mentioned to Shaw that everyone wanted to do. But even if he didn’t say anything like that, it was clear that the ship was going to earth 2000 years ago fully loaded with a biological weapon. Now you could make the observation that we humans did something that, mythologically speaking, would piss off our God roughly 2000 years ago. It isn’t beyond the realm of possibility that the engineers sent one of their sons to earth and we crucified him. Just sayin’
    15. It doesn’t matter that David doesn’t die immediately afterward like Ash did, he is a different model after all and wouldn’t necessarily operate the exact same way.
    16. I think they put their hands up to avoid the temptation of turning the ship away at the last second and were completely willing to sacrifice themselves, similar the the guy at the very beginning. Sacrifice is a very prevalent theme in the movie.
    17. Yeah this was stupid on her part, but doesn’t really matter in the end.
    18. This cliffhanger was simply the set up for the next movie, I really don’t see how anyone could get upset with that. Shaw is a very inquisitive person, that doesn’t have anything on earth to go back to so she wants to find the answers they didn’t get the first time around, good for her.
    Whew! That was a long comment.

  14. “Look how many people are talking about it now days later. If that isn’t a good sign that this will become a classic down the road in Sci Fi I don’t know what is.”

    Mixed reactions to Ridley Scott sci-fi films do tend to be looked back fondly, like Alien or Blade Runner.

    However, I thought this movie was an ambitious failure at best, I don’t think an explanation on the plot holes or wonky character motivations is gonna change my or many other people’s opinions about it. It just wasn’t very good, and that’s a shame.

  15. Watched the movie enjoyed the movie. Not a classic, though. Seriously, Tassi, this is a horrible way to begin this article “I am NOT the type of person to nitpick a movie to death after I see it”. I picture your face as an advice animal with “Says not the type to nitpick” at the top and “Posts 18 nitpicks of movie he just saw” at the bottom. Not a good look. Honestly, we could play the moronic character behavior game with nearly every genre movie ever made. If movie characters didn’t go investigate the scary noises in the basements, you don’t have the horror genre, and so on. Once you realize that fact, you can unclench and enjoy. Cabin in the Woods, man. Just in outer space.

    The only thing that really bothered me was the magic mutation goo or whatever. So one drop of that shit in a guy’s drink breaks him down. Cool. But having it instantly infect his semen, causing a giant alien starfish pregnancy with his girl which leads to the starfish impregnating a space jockey/engineer with a xenomorph? How does that make ANY sense? That’s beyond farfetched and I’m sure not how mutation works. A much better and simpler explanation would have been that the xenomorphs were their biologically-engineered weapons and the goo was what they used to “seed” worlds by breaking down their own DNA to be eventually recombined through evolution. That would have been cool beans, man. But as it is, the final act was too farfetched to live up to Scott’s sci-fi credentials.

  16. This movie smacks of too many half-baked ideas thrown together and called a movie.

    I like the Red Letter Media take on it as well.


  17. shall i even reply to all what you ignantorlly wrote about…nah cause if you were smart you would know why you would look into each subject to find the real reason they did something or the most logical sense.

  18. What I don’t understand, is why Noomi Rapace’s character slept with that guy when her defining character trait is that she’s a Christian? Does premarital sex just become not a big deal in the church in 70 years? It could be argued that the cross is just a generic religious symbol to her, even though her father tells her that “their god is different from [the Hindus’]”, but still most major world religions generally frown on sex before marriage.

    Are she and that guy married? They don’t have the same last name, and none of the crew including the two of them ever refer to them as a married couple. They jokingly refer to him as her boyfriend, but never as Mr. and Mrs..

    She never exhibits any guilt about breaking Christian tenets so I guess she’s just more agnostic? But still, nobody ever calls her out on going against the meaning of her most sentimental and publicized symbol. You especially think David would at some point since he seems so focused on the issue of God, and the necessity of a abortion would have been a perfect conversation starter.

    It’s like everything in this movie is left vague enough that you have to make assumptions that were never hinted at in the movie to make characters’ motivations and actions seem rational.

  19. “At the point she gives herself the surgery the cat is out of the bag about Weyland being alive so the teams motives change and her ‘baby’ is no longer that important.”

    Say what?! That makes absolutely no sense. First, David tried to kill not one but two people. Second, there’s a brand new form of life, that, even if it’s not hostile and trying to eat your face, must be contained at the very least…and no, I’m not talking about just locking it into the medpod room.

    Don’t hurt yourself bending over backwards to justify this movie.

  20. @ Andy.

    Can anyone explain why the makeup for Weyland was soooo bad?
    They couldn’t just get an old person to play the part, they had to cover Guy Pierce up in so much rubber that he was unrecognisable?

    I think it was because they wanted Anthony Hopkins, but he was busy at the time making Thor or something else that was stupid. They certainly did their best to make Pearce look like Hopkins.

  21. @McTimm

    she only wore that cross because her dad gave it to her and it had sentimental values, it did not depict her true beliefs. she obviously was not a devout christian if she thought this alien race created human beings. everything you said is just so ridiculous and makes me wonder if you even watched the movie.

    and what percentage of self-proclaimed “christians” wait until marriage to have sex? i’m guessing it’s under 5%.

  22. I’m new to your site but both your review and this list of points is spot-on. You could actually write about 20 more when you really go back to this ‘movie’. They should make a pop-up version of it, pointing out all the mistakes and goofs and inconsistencies as they happen. (Ok no studio would ever do that, but for many movies, it would be a hilarious DVD extra)

    Funniest of all though are the attempts here to ‘explain’ your 18 points away, almost all failing miserably, either not answering the point, missing the point, being unfounded or being as nonsensical as the original movie script.

    (Personal favorite? The guy up there who ‘answers’ one point by simply saying you shouldn’t nitpick or complain! Hah! Best ‘explanation’ ever!)

    Not going to go into all of it, but to several people:


    No duh…the point is that it was in HER private shuttle, HER living space, offered up as HER personal thing. The entire rest of the ship is Weyland’s. Why would that thing be in her pod? And then still, why wouldn’t they make one that can service both genders? Point still stands: makes no sense.

    The mohawk guy was the guy who HAD the tech to create the map. Yet HE and the ‘biologist’ get lost in an instant? While the others just instantly walked the right way? And why was he a screaming freak? He was still supposed to be a scientist! Yet he found no interest at all in the greatest discovery in history? Well apart from Shaw, no one really did. Because Charlie was the kind of ‘archeoloist’ who expects to find living beings and has NO interest in ancient remnants of cultures. You know, like most archeologists.

    And no it wasn’t just David who touched the goo. The ‘Biologist’ did it too, just as he just poked at the alien life form. And even if David was the only one, that crap would still be on his glove as he re-entered the ship thereby potentially contaminating everyone. Not even the robot made sense. So the point still stands. Everyone was an idiot. Just like poking the head with electricity was a tactic that seemed more in line with Bart Simpson than a real scientist.

    The more I think about it all, the less sense any of it made. Not with Alien(s) not with itself, not with logic or common sense…anything. My expectations were low but it was still far worse then I’d feared, and many people’s scrambling attempts to make it work (yet almost no one agreeing in HOW) just show it up for what it is: a movie made from a terribly inept script.

  23. “1. The most advanced raced in the galaxy stores their incredibly dangerous biological weapon in unlocked jars that sit out in the open?”

    They were stored in a sealed room inside a spaceship which, when opened, was going to unleash the contents on the human race. So yeah, why not leave them sitting there? Heck, we leave important things sitting around locked in cupboards all the time. How is this different?

    “2. Sticky goo we don’t recognize? Let’s touch it! Air we haven’t fully examined? Let’s breathe it! Severed alien head that may well be the only preserved one in human history? Let’s electrocute it until it explodes!”

    The only one who touches it is David.

    They had examined the air and while it seemed unwise to trust the scans that quickly, that figure had FAITH that the aliens had engineered that environment to be breathable.

    They don’t electrocute it until it explodes. They had no reason to expect it to explode. They were simply rejuvenating the dead biological material. (It most likely had ingested the stuff like we saw in the opening scene. It seems you have to be alive for that stuff to work.)

    “3. Mankind has just made the most significant discovery in the history of time, physical proof that aliens exist, and Charlie gets drunk because they’re all dead and can’t talk to him.”

    It was a bit of an anti-climax don’t you think? He wanted to meet God, but God is dead.

    “4. Vickers is very proud of her limited edition auto-surgery booth that she keeps in her quarters, yet it only works on males.”

    It’s her father’s surgery booth. It’s a secret that he’s on board, so she says it’s hers.

    “5. David poisons Charlie with the black goo for…what purpose exactly? To teach him a lesson about trying to be a bro AND a scientist? Not cool, bro.”

    He’s experimenting. He seems to be mulling over whether to go through with it and when he gets snarked at he decides to go ahead.

    “6. No one seems to care when mohawk guy and glasses guy get lost in the Engineer’s black goo silo. They also have a three dimensional map of the entire complex with pings showing them exactly where they are, yet still somehow get lost.”

    The 3 dimensional map was sent back to the ship. They don’t have their own copy. Having got side-tracked they have little choice but to stay down there since there’s a deadly electric storm and harsh environmental conditions on the surface.

    Points 7-17
    Blah blah blah…

    “18. After seeing an Engineer beat her entire crew into dust without any provocation, after acquiring a spaceship, Shaw wants to go to their planet to ask them why they’re so mad at us.”

    I wonder whether she really wants to ask them anything. I think she totally intends to unleash the same biological weapon on them that they intended for Earth. Doesn’t mean she won’t ask why first though….

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