Sailor Moon Meets the Avengers
(click to enlarge)
Wow, I think in four years, this is the first time I’ve ever referenced Sailor Moon on this site. Growing up, it was what nerdy girls watched while the nerdy boys were all into Dragonball Z, myself included. To this day, I literally have no idea what the plot was other than it was probably the first cosplay pictures I ever saw on the internet. And the rest was history…
Anyway, above we have a rather strange mashup of Sailor Moon and The Avengers, because it’s the cool thing to do to mash-up with Avengers these days. The art comes from Ann Marcellino, and I highly recommend checking out some of her other stuff as well.
Alright, how many girl DBZ fans are about to give me shit? Are there really that many of you?
Well, I’ll bite, there’s at least one. It’s not entirely outside the realm of possibility for females to identify while male characters (and vice versa).
are you going to review the amazing spider-man??
I was a huge fan of Sailor Moon back in the day (AND DBZ… )
These are a-freakin-dorable. I love the sailor senshi style of this, so cute.
Your title made me think of Avengers as Sailor Moon scouts (none of these are real characters dressed as Avengers)
No idea who I’d make who though…
Sailor Moon – Thor because of the hair?
Mars – Iron Man (only one that kind of looks like she is already)
Venus – Captain America
Jupiter – hulk
Saturn? – Hawkeye… although Mars was the one to use the bow.
Pluto – Loki
I was… Nop… I still am a HUGE fan of Sailor Moon, DBZ and a lot more anime series that I’m not gonna mention now because it would probably take me the whole day… but yeah, it’s a great mash-up…
You think it would be the other way around XD
I am a girl, and I loved both.