Wizard of Oz in the 21st Century
I gotta say if there’s one movie I really really hope they don’t remake it’s The Wizard of Oz. And don’t think some Hollywood execs aren’t saying to themselves “if we get Dakota Fanning as Dorothy and maybe Robert Pattinson as the scarecrow this thing can’t fail!” I mean The Wiz was bad enough so please let’s not do that.
But I will say that seeing modern day posters like this are pretty badass. And man doesn’t Dorothy look super hot like that? I tried finding as many modern Wizard of Oz pics as I could but was only able to locate a few. I’ve posted them after the jump and if you guys have any please email and we’ll update this post.
Cool stuff – you should check out the MacFarlane toys of the Wizard of Oz if you like these updates.
And it’s inevitable that it’ll be remade at some point.
The last one is from the “Tin Man” miniseries, which was … decent.
Could’ve been better but it was ok. Your typical Hallmark stuff. xD
I loved the Wiz… Everyone I know loves The Wiz, its a freakin’ black classic.
But yea I heard that there was a wizard of Oz remake in the works…
Probably gonna be Kristen Stewart’s lost ass as Dorothy. Taylor Lautner as the lion, yes, Pattinson as the scarecrow…
And the Tin Man… mmm… idk?
It’s not “The Wizard of Oz” per se’, but it is a short film explaining the back story of the Tin Man. Very well done. http://vimeo.com/11431902
I would be totally fine with a remake if it were anything like the main picture.
But other then that, no… just no.
Give Eliza Dushku two cup sizes bigger and some curls and that’s her.
the last one has been aired on SciFi. it’s called tin man, and isn’t a remake of the wizard of oz.
The second to last is Kiera Knightly’s Vogue Photoshoot with a Wizard of Oz theme. Should do some research next time.