Behold the Lego Computer
Some people take their computers seriously and some people take them really really seriously. I’ve never been whose been all that interested in being a “mod” guy but I completely respect those that take the time to make their units look like whatever they want. Personally I have better uses of my time but to each their own. Like whoever built this thing.
The entire structure is designed like a plastic town that is custom built with tiny people who give the illusion of working in the system. There are marked streets- an ATM, Postoffice, Fire hydrants, Basketball courts etc. The Lego computer is mostly used for emailing purposes.
The entire town appears busy with real life. There is a built in CD drive along with plug-in for wires and hard drives. The main CPU is placed inside this Massive Lego structure. In other words this bright colorful, Lego computer is an accurate example of innovative vision.
Obsess much?
I guess if you buy a big new videocard and it doesn’t fit you can always…extend the walls. 😉
“I guess if you buy a big new videocard and it doesn’t fit you can always…extend the walls.”
lol, had to buy a new case when i got my gtx260