How about a Slice of These Life Sized Hunger Games and Game of Thrones Cakes?
Just when you think that movie themed cakes can’t get any better comes a baker by the name of Lara Clarke. Hailing from company Tasty Cakes, Clarke is known to submit the occasional creative cake to the Cake International contest every year. This year, Lara did not disappoint.
Lara won the competition last year with a life-sized Johnny Depp cake. This year Clark decided to go after life-size approach with Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games. The finished cake stood at 5 feet and 11 inches. In case you are wondering, yes, she won the competition.
When asked what she used to make the cake, Clarke said that the cake was made with enough supplies to feed District 12 for a month. What would those supplies be? The Katniss cake contains about 150 eggs; 22 pounds of flour, butter, and sugar; 11 pounds of chocolate ganache; 22 pounds of modelling chocolate; and over 110 pounds of sugar.
You can see more pics at Nerdalicious