Hey, I Wrote This!

fanboy wars cover

Alright, I apologize in advance for this quick bit of self-promotion, but I wanted to share it with you guys, my longest-running audience.

I wrote another book! It’s not the third in my Earthborn Trilogy (which is coming later this year), rather it’s an eBook for Forbes about the culture of fanboyism in video games. It focuses on all the different ways fans shape the industry, for better or worse, and includes a host of gaming controversies from the Mass Effect 3 ending, to Microsoft’s Xbox One walkback, to pretty much anything EA has ever done.

It was a lot of fun to write, and it’s a pretty quick read, so I would love it if any of you guys could pick up a copy (for Vook, Apple or Amazon) and let me know what you think. You guys have been with me the longest, and I have you to thank for everything awesome that’s happened in my life, including the opportunity to write and publish something like this.

I hope you like it, and now I will return you to your regularly scheduled cosplay, Pokemon and Disney Princesses.

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  1. Am I going insane? This is a joke right?

    P.Tassi of Xbox fanboy fame has wrote a book about…fanboyism???

    I hope this is written from the perspective of the fanboy – otherwise you’ll come across as a tool mate.

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