Full-Size LEGO Facehugger Is Awfully Scary and Realistic Looking
Anyone still thinking of what they want to go as for Halloween? You might consider strapping on this LEGO facehugger. For those who aren’t familiar with facehuggers you might want to refer to the Alien franchise. According to Wikia.com
The facehugger is the second stage in the life cycle of a Xenomorph. Its bony finger-like legs allow it to crawl rapidly and its long tail can launch it in great distances. These particular appendages give them an appearance somewhat comparable to chelicerate arthropods such as arachnids and horseshoe crabs.
In other words, this is an extremely freaky and scary alien that will insert its way into your face and once it has, you have very little chance of escaping. So naturally someone decided to replicate this freak of movie nature using LEGO.
Mordatre created this life-size facehugger using Bionicle pieces. Like I said, if you’re running out of Halloween ideas, this one’s pretty solid.
Check out a couple more pics below.