Cosplayer of the Week: Kaiser Mony

This week we bring you the work of Kaiser Mony AKA Monique, at least we think that’s her real name.   Currently Monique is an art student from Canada who has a passion for Cosplay as well as sketch art.  You can see more of her art work on her blog. She describes herself as….

I’m an art student who’s head is always in the clouds.  I’m also a huge dork that geeks over many things. I still have so much to learn when it comes to art! Feel free to critique my stuff, I don’t mind. I have a long way ahead of me.

Anyway, we wouldn’t have Mony on the site without good reason.   She has a strong dedication to precision as well as putting herself into a number of different Cosplays, including male costumes.

Check out some of her work below….

Some of the images are higher resolution so we used the gallery format.   Check out the rest of Mony’s deviations below.

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  1. Her Marth cosplay could be better, but I’m not really holding that against her since good Fire Emblem cosplay is hard to come by. That and Marth is a guy so I wouldn’t expect them to be picture perfect.

    Everything else is great.

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