Awesome Bar Fights in Movies – Part I
Everybody loves a good bar fight, even if it’s just in a movie and not in real life. As a rugged bad ass, I’ve always appreciated testosterone bubbling to unhealthy levels and the resulting violence that ensues. I’ve been kicked out of more bars than you’ve had a drink in, and often – but not always – it’s been because of a good ol’ fashioned slobberknocker. In honor of drunken men and women attacking each other after they’ve loaded up on liquid courage, I put together a collection of clips featuring some of the most awesome bar fights in movies. I’m posting the first half today, and you can see the second half tomorrow. In the meantime, enjoy.
Road House
You’d expect to see some bar fights in a movie that is pretty much about bar fights.
From Dusk Till Dawn
The Gecko brothers get in over their heads when they enter a vampire bar.
The bar patrons are no match for River.
A Bronx Tale
One of the best bar scenes in any movie, ever. Don’t tell me those bikers didn’t have that beatdown coming.
Between the fighting girl scouts and the Saturday Night Fever parody, this scene always cracked me up.
Star Wars
He doesn’t like you. I don’t like you, either.
48 Hours
Not so much a huge fight as it is Reggie rightfully taking out his frustration on racist redneck a-holes.
Universal Soldier
They should have just let Van Damme eat.
Top Secret
Not your traditional bar fight; this one’s underwater.
Superman II
Alright, so it’s more of a “diner” than a “bar,” but I’m pretty sure you could order alcohol in this place.
Get your f*cking shinebox!
Anger Management
If you ask me, the blind guy deserved a beating. He was sending out some very dirty looks.
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Big bikers are no match for a machine from the future.
Be sure to come back for Part II tomorrow!
Raiders of the Lost Ark?
Cool fights, however you forgott the one in Trainspotting
How could you forget Jerry Lee’s barfight in “K-9”?
forgot Boondock Saints. Might not think that the movie was good but the bar fight is pretty epic
The bar fight in Desperado was the best fight.
you forgot the bar fight in once were warriors.
YOU MISSED #1, Silent Rage with Chuck Norris – He clears an entire bar by himself!!
This list is fails massively without Steven Segal’s barfight scene in Out for Justice. Pure magic.
How could you leave off the epic bar fight scene with Steven Segal in the movie Out for Justice
You forgot Sean Connery’s Thumb fight in the Presidio.