Marvel VS. DC: A Revisit – Part One
It’s rare when wishes come true. It’s even more rare that when they do, they go the way we want them to. As Aladdin, the guy with the monkey paw, and the kid from Kazaam…
It’s rare when wishes come true. It’s even more rare that when they do, they go the way we want them to. As Aladdin, the guy with the monkey paw, and the kid from Kazaam…
Despite that fact that so much of film comes out of its scripts, its editors, and, of course, its actors, we still hold one position in the highest of cinematic esteems: the director. And within…
They say in making a movie or play, casting is 90% of the job. Having been in theatre on both sides of the stage for the majority of my life I can tell you…that number…