A Story of Friendship, the HM Fly, and Rock & Roll (Comic)
Now THAT is a flying type.
Now THAT is a flying type.
Lover of all things video game, anime, or manga. I'm passionate about these things and virtually nothing else. Hope you enjoy my musings!
Get him Charmeleon as a funny nod to childhood when he turns 16 and surprise the hell out of him with Charizard once he’s 36
by Nick Verboon So you’ve got your heavy hitter Justice Leagues and Avengers, your fan favorite X-Men and Fantastic Fours, and your Young Justices and Teen Titans (what’s the difference between those two again?)…
So far, I’ve successfully avoided featuring Meme of the Year Grumpy Cat on our site in any capacity, as he isn’t really tangentially related to what we do here. UNTIL NOW. Behold, the Grumpy Justice…
As my first installment of Unreality Reader Recommendation was about Under the Hood, an animated DC feature, the other suggestions that came at the end of the post were mostly also animated superhero features. While…
(click to enlarge) Want to understand why this bit of Wonder Woman fan/concept art has her wielding a Dead Rising-style chainsaw on a stick? Well, I’ll just let artist Gorrem explain: “I was part of…
The recession hit everyone pretty hard, and superhero millionaires aren’t immune to such economic difficulties. It’s been a rough couple of years for Batman, and he’s had to sell the Tumbler in favor of…other options….