5 Ways Tech Companies Let You Know They Think You’re Dumb


Click on the photo for 5 ways tech companies let you know they think you’re dumb

You’d think that, as a bunch of doofy suckers with no knowledge of how technology works and a profound fascination with pretty lights and bright colors, we’d be utterly captivated by the expensive display of the latest and greatest consumer tech. The problem is that the purveyors of the credit-score-ruining gadgets of tomorrow seem less like Tony Stark-esque mad-geniuses and more like Professor Marvel from The Wizard of Oz, if Professor Marvel from The Wizard of Oz stank of corrosive aftershave and smugness

The Links

Charlie Day is really bad at games and high fiving – [Pajiba]

Boy does Billy Joel look like Darth Vader in this picture! – [Cavemancircus]

Futuristic and amazing airports being built this year – [The Chive]

2015 Games to start off your year – [Nerdist]

Ten things you might now know about Mario Kart – [Kotaku]


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