
Words can’t express just how much I’m not looking forward to the inevitable live action reboot of Akira, the ridiculously amazing anime that will undoubtedly lose much of its charm when it’s starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Keanu Reeves or whoever the hell else they wrangle for the film.

I’m not really an anime person, yet Akria remains one of my all time favorites, which hardly makes me cool, I know. It’s like saying your favorite movie of the year is whatever wins Best Picture. But whatever, the fact that Akira is fantastic not really up for debate.

The art above is from Joshua Budich, who is about to have a solo anime art show full of awesome pieces like this.

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One Comment

  1. Paul, have you read the Manga? Oh my god. It is incredible. The movie is but a husk of how incredible the manga is. It’s the very definition of “the book is better than the movie” It’s so good…so good.

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