That Guy Actor of the Week: D.W. Moffett

Ever see a person in a movie and said person had one of those memorable roles or faces that you’d never forget?   And then all of a sudden it’s years before you seen them again.  But when you do you know exactly what you saw them in those years ago.  That’s what it’s like every time I see D.W. Moffett.

I’ll never forget him as the good looking lady killer (literally) in the movie Lisa.   I mean that was a horrible movie but for some reason I’ll never forget his character in that.   Since that movie which was in 1989, Moffet’s been in television and movies with a total of 81 titles.

He’s not the most memorable actor but you kind of always know who he is.   I’m a fan so that’s that.   A clip of Moffett after the jump…


Boy is this cheesy.   Funny but really cheesy.

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